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Displaying 10405 - 10416 of 12149
Notice of Intent
Safety requirements for electrical equipment ...
1 Scope and object 1.1 Scope 1.1.1 Probe assemblies included in scope This part of IEC 61010 specifies safety requirements for hand-held and handmanipulated probe assemblies of the types described below, and their related...
Notice of Intent
Relocatable Structures
1 SCOPE 1.1 This standard provides the requirements for modular built relocatable temporary structures. 1.2 Relocatable structures for temporary use are a form of modular construction, built in an approved offsite facility...
Notice of Intent
Gas Piping Systems Using Corrugated Stainless...
1.1 This Standard applies to fuel gas piping systems using corrugated stainless steel tubing (CSST), intended for installation in residential, commercial or industrial buildings, and including the following components as a...
Notice of Intent
Water cisterns
B126.0-13 - General requirements and methodsof testing for water cisterns Scope 1.1 General This Standard specifies materials, design, manufacturing practices, methods of testing, and markings for prefabricated water cisterns...
Notice of Intent
Portable Type Camp Stoves
1.1 This Standard applies to portable type gas camp stoves having input ratings of 12,000 Btu/hr (3.5 kW) or less per burner for use: a) with propane, butane, liquefied petroleum gas, and any combination thereof; and b)...
Notice of Intent
Portable Water Heaters for Outdoor Use
.1 This Standard applies to portable type gas water heaters (herein after referred to as appliance or heater) for use with propane, butane, or liquefied petroleum gases and mixtures thereof having: a) a regulated pressure; b)...
Notice of Intent
Information Technology - Computer Graphics and...
ISO/IEC 12087 is concerned with the manipulation, processing, and interchange of all types of digital images. The main purpose of this part is to define a generic, unifying imaging architecture to which other parts of ISO/IEC...
Notice of Intent
Systems and software engineering - Lifecycle ...
This document: — defines the rules applicable for certification of the implementation of systems engineering, software engineering and service delivery processes complying with the requirements given in ISO/IEC 29110-4-m...
Notice of Intent
Information technology - Biometric application...
This document defines the Application Programming Interface (API) and Service Provider Interface (SPI) for standard interfaces within a biometric system that support the provision of that biometric system using components...
Notice of Intent
Systems and software engineering - Requirements...
This document supports the interest of system users in having consistent, complete, accurate, and usable information. It addresses both available approaches to standardization: a) process standards, which specify the way that...
Notice of Intent
Power Circuit breakers up to 1000 Vac/1500 Vdc
1 Scope 1.1 This Standard applies to power circuit breakers rated 1000 Vac or less nominal, 1058 Vac (RMS) maximum, and 1500 V dc maximum for use in nonhazardous locations in accordance with the Canadian Electrical Code, Part...
Notice of Intent
Determination of the Airtightness of Building...
1 SCOPE AND FIELD OF APPLICATION 1.1 Scope This is a standard method of tests (SMOTs) for the determination of the airtightness of building envelopes. This Standard contains three test options, two types of assessments and...