Refine Results
Displaying 6973 - 6984 of 10554
Notice of Intent
Information Technology - Coding of Audio-Visual...
This International Standard specifies the coded representation of textual information for timed presentation on screens. The text may be streamed in association with video and audio, in which case the text may represent...
Notice of Intent
Information Technology - Telecommunications and...
This Technical Report identifies key use cases for communication with or between IP-based Next Generation Corporate Networks (NGCN) involving public next generation networks (NGN), analyses these use cases in terms of...
Notice of Intent
Development of Natural Asset Inventories
This standard provides a consistent, step-by-step methodology for conducting natural asset inventories with considerations for: Building a common understanding of natural asset management, and where inventories fit within the...
Notice of Intent
Information technology — Learning, education ...
1 Scope ISO/IEC 19788 specifies, in a rule-based manner, metadata elements and their attributes for the description of learning resources. This includes the rules governing the identification of data elements and the...
Notice of Intent
Identification cards - Contactless integrated...
This part of ISO/IEC 14443 describes: - polling for proximity cards or objects (PICCs) entering the field of a proximity coupling device (PCD); - the byte format, the frames and timing used during the initial phase of...
Notice of Intent
Identification cards - Contactless integrated...
This part of ISO/IEC 14443 describes: - polling for proximity cards or objects (PICCs) entering the field of a proximity coupling device (PCD); - the byte format, the frames and timing used during the initial phase of...
Notice of Intent
Hydrogen generators using water electrolysis ...
This Standard defines the construction, safety and performance requirements of packaged hydrogen gas generation appliances, herein referred to as hydrogen generators, using electrochemical reactions to electrolyse water to...
Notice of Intent
Management of Work at Heights
This Standard, following the principles set out in CSA Z45001, will specify requirements for a) establishing and maintaining a WAH management system in accordance with occupational health and safety management system (OHSMS)...
Notice of Intent
Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable...
1.1 This part of the IEC 61508 series a) is intended to be used only after a thorough understanding of IEC 61508-1, which provides the overall framework for the achievement of functional safety b) applies to any safety...
Notice of Intent
Systems and software engineering - Requirements...
This document supports the interest of system users in having consistent, complete, accurate, and usable information. It addresses both available approaches to standardization: a) process standards, which specify the way that...
Notice of Intent
Standard Laboratory Guide for the Determination...
2.1 This laboratory guide has been developed for the assessment of volatile organic compound emissions from materials used in residential buildings. 2.2 This laboratory guide specifies recommended procedures for the use of...
Notice of Intent
Standard Laboratory Guide for the Determination...
2.1 This laboratory guide has been developed for the assessment of volatile organic compound emissions from materials used in residential buildings. 2.2 This laboratory guide specifies recommended procedures for the use of...