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Displaying 6913 - 6924 of 10562
Notice of Intent
District Ambient Temperature Loop (ATL)
This standard applies to ambient temperature loop (ATL) distributed energy systems and related low-temperature distribution systems. Such systems can be integrated with multiple renewables such as solar thermal and solar...
Notice of Intent
Information security - Security requirements, ...
This document specifies a general framework for the security evaluation of quantum key distribution (QKD) according to the ISO/IEC 15408 series. Specifically, it specifies a baseline set of common security functional...
Notice of Intent
Information technology -- Universal Coded Character...
This Standard specifies the Universal Character Set (UCS). It is applicable to the representation, transmission, interchange, processing, storage, input and presentation of the written form of the languages of the world as...
Notice of Intent
Information technology - Generic cabling for ...
This part of ISO/IEC 11801 specifies generic cabling for single-tenant homes. A home can contain one or more buildings or can be within a building that contains more than one home. It covers balanced cabling, optical fibre...
Notice of Intent
Medical electrical equipment – Part 2-86: Particular...
201.1 * Scope, object and related standards Clause 1 of the general standard1) applies, except as follows: 201.1.1 * Scope Replacement: This particular standard applies to BASIC SAFETY and ESSENTIAL PERFORMANCE of ECG ME...
Notice of Intent
Work Disability for Paramedics with Post-Traumatic...
The scope of this Standard is expected to include requirements for the work disability management of post-traumatic stress injury (PTSI) for workers in Paramedic Service Organizations with specific requirements and guidance...
Notice of Intent
Electric motor-operated hand-held tools, transportable...
This clause of Part 1 is applicable, except as follows: Addition: This part of IEC 62841 applies to transportable cut-off machines intended to cut materials such as metals, concrete and masonry and to be fitted with one...
Notice of Intent
Nonindustrial photoelectric switches for lighting...
1.1 Requirements contained in this Standard cover controls of the light-sensitive or presence-sensitive types, or both; for indoor or outdoor service; intended for the control of indoor or outdoor loads up to a maximum of 20...
Notice of Intent
Anaesthetic and Respiratory Equipment - Conical...
This part of ISO 5356 specifies dimensional and gauging requirements for cones and sockets intended for connecting anaesthetic and respiratory equipment, e.g. in breathing systems, anaesthetic-gas scavenging systems and...
Notice of Intent
Specification for radio disturbance and immunity...
This part of CISPR 16 is designated a basic standard, which specifies the characteristics and performance of equipment for the measurement of radio disturbance voltages, currents and fields in the frequency range 9 kHz to 18...
Notice of Intent
Information technology - Security techniques - ...
ISO/IEC 15946 specifies public-key cryptographic techniques based on elliptic curves. These include the establishment of keys for secret-key systems, and digital signature mechanisms. This part of ISO/IEC 15946 describes the...
Notice of Intent
Information Technology - Coding of Audio-Visual...
This International Standard specifies : - The definition, as well as Extension tags, syntax and semantics for an IPMP_Data_BaseClass to support the following functionalities. Mutual Authentication for IPMP tool to IPMP tool...