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Displaying 493 - 504 of 529
Understanding Barriers and Opportunities for ...
This document serves as a technical note to accompany the report “High-wind design of new woodframe houses has an average benefit-cost ratio of 6:1 in Canada” by K. Porter (2023). This technical note explores challenges and...
Program Overview - Testing and Calibration Laboratory...
Version 1 – April 2024 This document describes Testing and Calibration Laboratory Accreditation Program requirements, accreditation cycle requirements, partner organizations, group accreditation, routine tests conducted...
So you want to implement a new network?
In Canada, there are thousands of monitoring stations collecting important weather and climate information, in addition to the nation’s official source, Environment and Climate Change Canada's (ECCC). To increase the quality...
Northern, Small, and Remote Health Care Facilities...
Standards play an important role in supporting health care delivery. By outlining requirements and best practices for performance and process, standards can help patients, staff, and visitors avoid injury from medical devices...
So you want to improve your weather monitoring...
In Canada, there are thousands of monitoring stations collecting important weather and climate information, in addition to the nation’s official source, Environment and Climate Change Canada's (ECCC). To increase the quality...
Low Carbon Climate Resilient HCF Design
Canada’s health care infrastructure faces challenges, relating to aging facilities, availability of capital investment, increased demand for services, and the need to adopt digital and innovative technologies. These...
So you want to streamline network operations ...
In Canada, there are thousands of monitoring stations collecting important weather and climate information, in addition to the nation’s official source, Environment and Climate Change Canada's (ECCC). To increase the quality...
Standardization Solutions to Remove Trade Barriers...
The case studies and priorities outlined in this report will help steer the conversation on how to continue to align standards in order to reduce red tape and administrative burden for Canadian businesses and lead to...
Speaking the Same Technical Language: The Trade...
By strategically engaging in regional standardization activities, SCC can facilitate reductions in trade barriers for Canada. Reducing trade barriers without sacrificing our standards will help to promote the well-being and...