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Displaying 11065 - 11076 of 12084
MC/ISO/TC 102/SC 1
Standardization of methods of sampling, preparation of samples, moisture determination, size determination in the field of iron ores and direct reduced iron.
MC/ISO/TC 102/SC 2
Standardization of methods of chemical analysis in the field of iron ores and direct reduced iron.
MC/ISO/TC 102/SC 3
Standardization of methods of physical testing in the field of iron ores and direct reduced iron.
MC/ISO/TC 106/SC 1
Standardization of medical devices and materials intended to be used for direct dental restorations and in conjunction with indirect restorations and medical devices and materials intended to be used in orthodontics including...
MC/ISO/TC 106/SC 2
Standardization of prosthodontic materials and devices intended to be used for indirect dental restorations and in conjunction with auxiliary materials and direct restorations intended to be used in prosthodontics including...
MC/ISO/TC 106/SC 4
Standardization of dental instruments used in the dental office and in the dental laboratory for dental purposes. This includes but is not limited to the following: rotary instruments handpieces and motors scaler handpieces...
MC/ISO/TC 106/SC 6
Dental equipment Standardization of dental equipment used in the dental office and in the dental laboratory and other settings for dental purposes. This includes but is not limited to the following: operating lights dental...
MC/ISO/TC 106/SC 7
Oral care products Standardization of: oral care products - those substances, preparations and devices intended for use by the public or for application by dental professionals with objectives that include improving or...
MC/ISO/TC 106/SC 8
Dental implants Standardization in oral health care relating to devices surgically implanted into bone and/or soft tissues in the oro-facial region, and related accessories, including: terms and definitions; performance...