Refine Results
Displaying 2797 - 2808 of 12084
Notice of Intent
Flat, Clear Sheet Glass
This standard applies to flat, transparent, clear sheet glass having glossy, fire-finished, apparently plane and smooth surfaces, but having a characteristic waviness of surface, for glazing, mirrors and other uses.
Notice of Intent
Flat, Clear Float Glass
This standard applies to flat, clear glass of the float type produced by floating the glass on a bath of molten metal.
Notice of Intent
Heat Absorbing Glass
This standard applies to flat, transparent glass, obtainable as sheet, polished plate or float glass that is substantially opaque to infrared radiation including the short-wave infrared, possessing absorbing properties to...
Notice of Intent
Transparent (One-Way) Mirrors
1.1 This standard applies to transparent (one-way) mirrors of polished plate, float or sheet glass, and intended for observation rooms.
Notice of Intent
Spandrel Glass
1.1 This standard applies to glass intended for installation in spandrel areas of building exteriors. It also provides requirements so that such glass shall not pose a safety hazard in a specific application for which it is...
Notice of Intent
Glass, Light and Heat Reflecting
1.1 This standard applies to flat, transparent glass, obtainable as polished plate or float glass, one side of which is covered with a thin metallic oxide coating possessing high reflective properties to control transmission...
Notice of Intent
Patterned Glass
This standard applies to flat, translucent, rolled or cast glass having a pattern or figure on one or both surfaces, used primarily in buildings for doors, windows, interior and exterior walls and for decorative purposes.
Notice of Intent
Caregiver-Friendly Workplaces
This standard addresses workplaces with caregiver-employees providing care to adult care recipients (i.e., adults with disabilities, elderly dependents).
Notice of Intent
Textile Test Methods - Bootlaces and Shoelaces...
This method determines the length of bootlaces and shoelaces. The method applies to bulk and cut laces.
Notice of Intent
Textile Test Methods - Knitted Fabric Count - ...
This method determines the number of wales and courses per centimetre in most knitted fabrics.
Notice of Intent
Textile Test Methods - Burning Behaviour - Selection...
This method describes the burning behaviour tests from the CAN/CGSB-4.2 No. 27 Series and recommends which should be used to determine the burning behaviour of different products under various defined conditions.
Notice of Intent
National Flag of Canada (Outdoor Use)
This standard applies to the design, colour, materials, construction and performance requirements of the National Flag of Canada intended for outdoor use.