Refine Results
Displaying 193 - 204 of 535
Notice of Intent
Construction Work - Drinking Water and Sewer ...
PURPOSE The purpose of this standardized specification is to establish the general technical specifications that govern the construction of municipal drinking water networks, water supply lines, and sewer systems. SCOPE This...
Notice of Intent
Information technology — Learning, education ...
1.1 Scope of MLR multipart standard The primary purpose of this International Standard is to specify metadata elements and their attributes for the description of learning resources. This includes the rules governing the...
Notice of Intent
eDNA Terminology and Reporting Requirements
The standard defines consistent terminology for eDNA reports/communications across applications and sectors. It sets baseline requirements for the generation and reporting of eDNA results, to enable better interpretations of...
Notice of Intent
Virtual Care and Services
Health Standards Organization (HSO) is developing a new edition of its Virtual Health standard, which will be renamed Virtual Care and Services. The new edition will focus on enabling high-quality, people-centred care in a...
Notice of Intent
Guideline for Managing Risks to the Public Interest...
This guideline lays out the principles and provides guidance to organizations primarily responsible for the management of public risk in Canada. Organizations that can benefit from this guideline include government...
SCC Requirements and Guidance for Accreditation...
This document specifies the requirements and guidance for the accreditation of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Verifiers for International Civil Aviation Organization’s Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation...
Notice of Intent
Construction Work - General Technical Specifications...
General technical specifications that govern the construction of municipal drinking water lines and sewer lines.
Notice of Intent
ESG and SDGs for Associations
This standard provides a rating methodology to assess and improve the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) programs of associations.
Notice of Intent
Concrete materials and methods of concrete construction...
CSA A23.1 - Concrete materials and methods of concrete construction Scope 1.1 General This Standard provides the requirements for materials and methods of construction for a) cast-in-place concrete and concrete precast in the...
Future by design: standards for a climate resilient...
Final Report of the 2016-2021 Standards to Support Resilience in Infrastructure Program Our buildings and infrastructure are designed with weather in mind. We expect our homes to protect us from heavy snow, our stormwater...
Form C: Application to Establish a Mirror Committee
The SCC is responsible for determining where and how Canada participates in international standardization activity. Participation in international standardization activity occurs through a SCC mirror committee (MC). New MCs...