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Displaying 169 - 180 of 535
Low Carbon Climate Resilient HCF Design
Canada’s health care infrastructure faces challenges, relating to aging facilities, availability of capital investment, increased demand for services, and the need to adopt digital and innovative technologies. These...
Mobilizing the Recommendations in Thermally Comfortable...
This report summarizes the results of an engagement process to discuss ideas to mobilize the recommendations found in a recently published report by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC), in collaboration with the National...
Rising Seas and Shifting Sands
Combining natural and grey infrastructure to protect Canada’s eastern and western coastal communities This report describes how Canada can scale-up the use of nature-based solutions, in tandem with grey infrastructure, to...
Corporate Plan Summary 2018-2019 - "Driving Value...
SCC’s Corporate Plan Summary provides an overview of the organization’s operational direction.
A Perspective on U.S. Standardization: A Strategic...
Business, governments and consumer groups interested in gaining a deeper understanding of the U.S. standardization system will want to read the Standards Council of Canada’s (SCC’s) latest report, A Perspective on U.S...
Corporate Plan Summary 2017-2018 - "Enabling ...
SCC’s Corporate Plan Summary provides an overview of the organization’s operational direction.
Accreditation Bulletin
PEFC Standard Revisions
Action Required Certification Bodies must be accredited against the new version of the Chain of Custody standard (ST 2002:2020) before they can offer certification against the new versions of the Chain of Custody and...
Bridging the Standards Divide: Modernizing Standards...
This report analyzes and compiles CATRTA beneficiary countries’ needs in the areas of standards, conformity assessment and technical barriers to trade (TBT), identified during the CIDA funded workshop/roundtable held from May...
Compilation of standards in climate action case...
This series of case studies demonstrates the benefits of using standards to build sustainable, resilient communities.
Notice of Intent
Construction Work - Drinking Water and Sewer ...
Note: The standard designation number for this NOI (originally published on February 22, 2022), was updated by the responsible SDO on March 1, 2022. 1. PURPOSE This standardized specification also applies to all work required...
Notice of Intent
Information technology — Learning, education ...
1.1 Scope of MLR International Standard The primary purpose of this International Standard is to specify metadata elements and their attributes for the description of learning resources. This includes the rules governing the...