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Displaying 277 - 288 of 604
Notice of Intent
Thermally activated pressure relief devices for...
This standard establishes minimum requirements for pressure relief devices intended for use on fuel containers that comply with CSA HGV2, CSA B51, Part 2 Boiler, Pressure Vessel and Pressure Piping Code or SAE J2579...
Notice of Intent
Information technology - Learning, education ...
ISO/IEC 19788 specifies, in a rule-based manner, metadata elements and their attributes for the description of learning resources. This includes the rules governing the identification of data elements and the specification of...
SCC’s Innovation Initiative Case Studies Compendium
SCC created its Innovation Initiative in 2017 so Canadian innovators from coast to coast could reap the benefits that standardization offers. We engaged with more than 250 from small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to...
Program Overview - Testing and Calibration Laboratory...
Version 1 – April 2024 This document describes Testing and Calibration Laboratory Accreditation Program requirements, accreditation cycle requirements, partner organizations, group accreditation, routine tests conducted...
Notice of Intent
Amendment 43 - Information technology - Coding...
Reference software is normative in the sense that any conforming implementation of the software, taking the same conformant bitstreams, using the same output file format, will output the same file. Complying ISO/IEC 14496...
Notice of Intent
Information technology - Coding of audio-visual...
Reference software is normative in the sense that any conforming implementation of the software, taking the same conformant bitstreams, using the same output file format, will output the same file. Complying ISO/IEC 14496...
Notice of Intent
Information technology - Coding of audio-visual...
Reference software is normative in the sense that any conforming implementation of the software, taking the same conformant bitstreams, using the same output file format, will output the same file. Complying ISO/IEC 14496...
Notice of Intent
Systems and software engineering - Systems and...
This document provides the framework for quality requirements for systems, software products and data, which includes concept of the quality requirements, and requirements and recommendations for the processes and methods to...
Notice of Intent
Microfilm and Electronic Images as Documentary...
1.1 This standard provides rules and guidelines for organizations to establish and operate a credible image management program with the ability to demonstrate that the resulting captured images are accurate reproductions of...
Notice of Intent
Explosive atmospheres – Part 40: Requirements...
This document provides specific requirements for process sealing between a flammable process fluid and an electrical system where a failure could allow the migration of the process fluid directly into the premises wiring...
Standards and IP Factsheet
Innovators can benefit from the relationship between standards and their intellectual property by participating in standards development. Protected intellectual property can be embedded into standards and enhance a company’s...
Notice of Intent
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-...
Scope This part of IEC 61000 deals with emission of disturbances due to voltage fluctuations and flicker. The recommendations in this Technical Specification are applicable to electrical and electronic equipment that has a...