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Displaying 2761 - 2772 of 10380
Notice of Intent

Explosive atmospheres - Part 31: Equipment dust...

This part of IEC 60079 is applicable to electrical equipment protected by enclosure and surface temperature limitation for use in explosive dust atmospheres. It specifies requirements for design, construction and testing of...
Notice of Intent

Communications cables

1.1 This standard applies to 60 – 250°C single- or multiple-conductor jacketed or unjacketed, integral or nonintegral cables and single or multiple coaxial cables for telephone and other communication circuits such as voice...
Notice of Intent

Software and systems engineering - Tools and ...

This International Standard, within the context of tools and methods of requirements engineering for software and systems product lines: provides the terms and definitions specific to requirements engineering for software and...
Notice of Intent

Vehicles, boats and internal combustion engines...

The limits in this International Standard are designed to provide protection for broadcast receivers in the frequency range of 30 MHz to 1 000 MHz when used in the residential environment. Compliance with this standard may...
Notice of Intent

Vehicles, boats and internal combustion engines...

The limits in this International Standard are designed to provide protection for broadcast receivers in the frequency range of 30 MHz to 1 000 MHz when used in the residential environment. Compliance with this standard may...
Notice of Intent

Information Technology - Telecommunications and...

This International Standard specifies the combination of base standards, together with the selection of appropriate options and parameter values, necessary to specify how QSIG / PSS1 can be used to provide digital signalling...
Notice of Intent

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for Blunt...

.1 This Standard applies to personal protective apparel intended to provide protection to the torso, arms, and legs, including joints, of correctional officers and law enforcement personnel from blows with blunt objects (e.g...
Notice of Intent

Hydrogen gas dryer – safety

Note: This NOI (originally published on August 15, 2023) was reissued by the responsible SDO on July 30, 2024. 1.1 Inclusions This standard defines the minimum construction and safety requirements for a hydrogen gas dryer...
Notice of Intent

Gas-fired domestic illuminating appliances

Note: The standard sub-type has been updated for this NOI (originally published on May 24, 2023) was updated by the responsible SDO on May 30, 2023. This Standard applies to newly produced illuminating appliances constructed...