Refine Results
Displaying 6325 - 6336 of 6495
Notice of Intent
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-...
1 Scope and object This part of IEC 61000 is concerned with the emission of voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and flicker produced by equipment and impressed on the public low-voltage supply system. It specifies the...
Notice of Intent
Solid biofuels - Fuel specifications and classes...
This part of ISO 17225 determines the fuel quality classes and specifications of graded non-woody pellets. This part of ISO 17225 covers only non-woody pellets produced from the following raw material (see ISO 17225-1, Table...
Notice of Intent
Solid biofuels - Fuel specifications and classes...
This part of ISO 17225 determines the fuel quality classes and specifications of graded non-woody briquettes. This part of ISO 17225 covers only non-woody briquettes produced from the following raw materials (see ISO 17225-1...
Notice of Intent
Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries - Specific...
This part of ISO 19901 provides requirements and guidance for the planning and engineering of marine operations, encompassing the design and analysis of the components, systems, equipment and procedures required to perform...
Notice of Intent
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-...
This part of IEC 61000 is concerned with the emission of voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and flicker produced by equipment and impressed on the public low-voltage supply system. It specifies the limits of voltage...
Notice of Intent
Lifts for the transport of persons and goods — ...
This document — specifies GESRs for lifts (elevators), their components and functions, and — establishes a system and provides methods for minimizing safety risks that can arise in the course of, the operation and use of, or...
Notice of Intent
Nanotechnologies – Occupational risk management...
The purpose of this part of ISO/TS 12901 is to describe the use of a control banding approach for controlling the risks associated with occupational exposures to nano-objects, and their aggregates and agglomerates greater...
Notice of Intent
Information Technology - Radio Frequency Identification...
This part of ISO/IEC TR 18047 defines test methods for determining the conformance of radio frequency identification devices (tags and interrogators) for item management with the specifications given in the corresponding part...
Notice of Intent
Information Technology - Coding of Audio-Visual...
This part of ISO/IEC 14496 specifies the coded representation of picture information in the form of natural or synthetic visual objects like video sequences of rectangular or arbitrarily shaped pictures, moving 2D meshes...
Notice of Intent
Information Technology - Database Languages - ...
This part of ISO/IEC 13249: a) introduces the still image part of ISO/IEC 13249 (all parts) b) gives the references necessary for this part of ISO/IEC 13249 c) defines notations and conventions specific to this part of ISO...
Notice of Intent
Information technology - Document schema definition...
Scope This part of ISO/IEC 19757 defines a language that is designed to extend the declarative functionality of an XML DTD to include: declaring one or more namespaces to which some or all of the element and attribute names...
Notice of Intent
Information technology - Coding of audio-visual...
This part of ISO/IEC TR 14496 describes the desired joint behavior of MPEG-4 Systems (MPEG-4 File Format) and MPEG-4 Audio codecs. It is desired that MPEG-4 Audio encoders and decoders permit finite length signals to be...