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Displaying 121 - 132 of 6495
An ounce of prevention: Standards as a tool to...
The purpose of this research was to determine the impact of standardization on unintentional deaths. While accidents are a complex problem with many contributing factors, the findings indicate that standardization can play an...
Understanding GDPR | The role of standards in...
SCC developed this guidance document to introduce Canadian organizations to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and to recommend standardization strategies that can facilitate the compliance process. This regulation...
Guidelines for Incorporating Standards by Reference...
These guidelines focus on the incorporation by reference of standards.
Program Overview - Standards Development Organization...
Version 1 – March 2024 This document describes Standards Development Organization Accreditation Program requirements, accreditation cycle requirements, self-declaration and WTO ISO Standards Information Gateway.
Getting Aligned. How Adopting Standards Affects...
This 25-page report, commissioned by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) and produced by the Conference Board of Canada, clarifies and confirms the essential role that standards play in Canada’s economic growth and labour...
Compilation of standards in climate action case...
This series of case studies demonstrates the benefits of using standards to build sustainable, resilient communities.
Standards in Action: Building a Climate Resilient...
Since 2016, SCC’s Standards to Support Resilience in Infrastructure Program has led the development of dozens of standards and related guidance to safeguard critical infrastructure in Canada. SCC held a national consultation...
Notice of Intent
Standards for concrete pipe and manhole sections
CSA A257.0:19 - Methods for determining physical properties of circular precast concrete pipe, manhole sections, catch basins, and fittings Scope 1.1 This performance Standard applies to circular precast concrete pipe...
Using Climate Information in Standards Development
Technical Companion to the Guide for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation Considerations into Canadian StandardsTechnical Companion to the Guide for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation Considerations into Canadian...
Notice of Intent
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-...
This part of IEC 61000 specifies EMC immunity requirements which apply to electrical and electronic equipment intended for use in power stations and substations, as described below. Immunity requirements for electromagnetic...
Guide for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation...
The long-term impacts of climate change are expected to intensify in the future. With Canada’s average temperature warming at twice the global rate, recognizing impacts like the increasing occurrence of extreme weather...
Standards development courses
Our courses on standards development help deepen knowledge to effectively use standards and participate in their shaping their future. These courses are designed to give SCC members, and any professional interested in standards, the tools to get involved...