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Displaying 1909 - 1920 of 9886
Notice of Intent

Information technology - Security techniques - ...

This International Standard specifies a conceptual model for a random bit generator for cryptographic purposes, together with the elements of this model. This International Standard - specifies the characteristics of the main...
Notice of Intent

Information technology - Security techniques - ...

This document defines key establishment mechanisms based on weak secrets, i.e. secrets that can be readily memorized by a human, and hence, secrets that will be chosen from a relatively small set of possibilities. It...
Notice of Intent

Information technology - Multimedia framework...

This document specifies an ontology for representing contracts in the Multimedia Framework formed for the transaction of MPEG-21 Digital Items or services related to the MPEG-21 Framework. Media Contract Ontology (MCO) aims...
Notice of Intent

Information technology - ASN.1 encoding rules...

This Recommendation | International Standard defines a notation for specifying encodings of ASN.1 types or of parts of types. It provides several mechanisms for such specification, including: direct specification of the...
Notice of Intent

Information security - Message authentication...

This document specifies MAC algorithms that use a secret key and a hash-function (or its round-function or sponge function) to calculate an m-bit MAC. These mechanisms can be used as data integrity mechanisms to verify that...
Notice of Intent

Information technology - Guidance for the use...

This document describes the regular expression support in SQL (ISO/IEC 9075-2) adopted from the regular expression syntax of XQuery and XPath Functions and Operators 3.1, which is derived from Perl. This document discusses...
Notice of Intent

Information technology - Guidance for the use...

This document discusses the syntax and semantics for recognizing patterns in rows of a table, as defined in ISO/IEC 9075-2, commonly called “SQL/RPR”. SQL/RPR defines two features regarding row pattern recognition: Feature...
Notice of Intent

Information technology - Guidance for the use...

This document describes the definition and use of polymorphic table functions in SQL. The Report discusses the following features of the SQL Language: The processing model of polymorphic table functions in the context of SQL...
Notice of Intent

Information security - Cryptographic techniques...

The ISO/IEC 15946 series specifies public-key cryptographic techniques based on elliptic curves described in ISO/IEC 15946-1. This document defines elliptic curve generation techniques useful for implementing the elliptic...
Notice of Intent

Information technology -- Programming languages...

This International Standard specifies the syntax and semantics of COBOL. Its purpose is to promote a high degree of machine independence to permit the use of COBOL on a variety of data processing systems. This International...