Refine Results
Displaying 1 - 12 of 3242
Notice of Intent
CAN-ASC-5.2.1 Part 1: Design and Delivery of ...
Note: The title of this Notice of Intent (originally published on May 14, 2024) was updated by the responsible SDO on July 16, 2024. Note: The comment period for this NOI has been extended to July 11, 2024 to allow for a...
Notice of Intent
Commercial Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Programs...
This standard shall cover the minimum requirements related to the establishment and implementation of UAS programs for commercial and professional use. It shall cover the following details: the minimum training and...
Accreditation Requirements - All Product, Process...
Accreditation requirements ISO/IEC 17065:2012 - Conformity assessment — Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and services SCC Requirements and Guidance - Product, Process and Service Certification Body...
Notice of Intent
Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility...
Note: The scope for this NOI (originally published on July 5, 2023) was updated by the responsible SDO on October 11, 2023. This Standard specifies requirements and provides guidelines for equity, diversity, inclusion, and...
Notice of Intent
Reliability and Maintenance Programs for Nuclear...
Currently all operating organizations have well established reliability programs in place and are in compliance with regulatory requirements (RD/GD-98). There are few issues related to program guidance and framework to be...
Notice of Intent
Effluent monitoring programs at Class I nuclear...
Scope 1.1 Facilities 1.1.1 Types of facilities This Standard addresses the design and operation of effluent monitoring programs for Class I nuclear facilities and uranium mines and mills. These facilities include (a)...
AS9104/1A - Requirements for Aviation, Space, ...
This standard defines the industry-accepted requirements for the Aerospace Quality Management Systems (AQMS) scheme, which provides confidence to aerospace, space and defense customers that organizations with QMS...
Accreditation Bulletin
Updated Accreditation Services Program Overview
Action required Effective the date of release of this bulletin, all customers are required to note the changes in the revised Accreditation Program Overview . Affected customers All customers and applicants in all SCC...
Accreditation Bulletin
Overhauled Accreditation Program Overview
Action required SCC’s Accreditation Program Overview has been redesigned, and is now broken down into separate Program Overviews for each accreditation program. Customers are urged to take note of these changes and update...
Accreditation Bulletin
Updated Accreditation Services Program Overview
Action required Take note of the changes in the revised Accreditation Program Overview . Affected customers All customers, applicants, assessors and inspectors in all SCC accreditation and recognition programs. Background As...
Accreditation Bulletin
Streamlining the Accreditation Process
Action required Take note that the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) is implementing changes to the accreditation process. Affected customers All accredited CBAP, IBAP, MSAP, VVBAP, CPAP, and SDOAP customers and assessors...