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Program Overview - Product, Process and Service...
Version 1 – May 2024 This document describes Product, Process and Service Certification Body Accreditation Program requirements, accreditation cycle requirements and witnessing requirements.
SCC Requirements and Guidance - Product, Process...
The purpose of this document is to outline the additional criteria and guidance for product, process, and service certification bodies, above and beyond the requirements of ISO/IEC 17065:2012. These requirements and guidance...
Publicly Available Specifications
These guidelines outline the principles and key development steps of a Publicly Available Specification (PAS). It provides some procedural detail and is not definitive in nature to account for the intended flexibility of this...
Accreditation Bulletin
Revised Edition of the SCC Requirements and Guidance...
Action required All SCC-accredited and applicant certification bodies shall conform to the latest revised edition of the SCC Requirements and Guidance - Product, Process, and Service Certification Body Accreditation Program...
SCC Requirements and Guidance for the Accreditation...
The purpose of this document is to outline the accreditation requirements for Certification Bodies operating the CyberSecure Canada certification program. These requirements are based on a combination of those previously used...
Labtest Certification Inc.
File Number
Product, Process and Service Certification
Accreditation Program Manual - Accreditation ...
Version 16 – April 2024 The Standards Council of Canada (SCC) is a federal Crown corporation established by the Standards Council of Canada Act (“the Act”) of the Parliament in 1970 to foster and promote efficient and...
Policy on Accreditation Symbol Use
SCC makes accreditation and recognition symbols available to accredited or recognized organizations (“Organization”) to illustrate their accreditation status with SCC. These symbols are specific to a particular accreditation...
Requirements and Guidance – Accreditation of ...
This document specifies the requirements and guidance for the accreditation of Standards Development Organizations (SDOs). For the purposes of expediency, the acronym R&G – SDO Accreditation will be used. The SDO...
SCC Requirements and Guidance for the Accreditation...
The purpose of this document is to amplify, where appropriate, generic technical and organizational criteria as stated in ISO/IEC 17025 for SCC accreditation of facilities that could perform ITS evaluation and testing. In...
SCC Requirements and Guidance - Independent Safety...
This document provides requirements and guidance of the Independent Safety Assessor for Railway Systems Accreditation Sub-program that SCC operates and is a companion to ISO/IEC 17020. It outlines unique Canadian requirements...
SCC Requirements and Guidance - Inspection Body...
This document is a companion to ISO/IEC 17020 and outlines unique Canadian requirements of the SCC Accreditation Program for Inspection Bodies that inspect and make a determination of conformity for products destined for the...